Green Hornet Description:
Movies such as Michel Gondry, The Green Hornet sequels.This rarely talented director who made "Eternal Sunshine of a spotless Mind", it seems to hope, but the successor would only confuse the already complicated further.Remember story that followed ' The silence of the lambs? With all the personality of a group of superheroes, Gondry tried to make a point to prove, with a lot of people thought sha.One sure that The Green Hornet, with a view to the jackpot, and the occasional secular ' Left-or-Film Center, dragging his feet, Hollywood.However, I still can not overcome an American movie, so it ends up being a superhero film sans superheroes. For a film that tried to operate a "progressive" view, not Nice Guys: Only bad things bad things Russian American struggle, and (sorry to spoil your surprise) the evil Americans win. Come to think of it, the Green Hornet is not a major task of a good American potshot.
So what's the point, really? The movie series of American chauvinism less zeal.Equally his mission was useless movie in the plot to look 3D.The, to put it mildly put, a lot of straw. The Green Hornet was wrong reasons at some point, that history is complicated.The real truth is that it simply pompous and stupid.
Brett Reid (Seth Rogen), the prodigal son of James Reid (Tom Wilkinson), no cure for crime rates or The Daily Sentinel ", the unique, the father of newspaper publisher, dies of sting.After tom-bee a frenzy near the grave of his father, Brett joins hands with Kato (Jay Chou), mechanical with his father and brand ambassador of Asian martial arts in film, the story to highlight. Dissolve to clean the gutters get there the mud, and so their true modus operandi of criminals that they pose as criminals above fish.
Rogen, who plays Reid, Jr. is partly responsible for the screenplay of this film. His generosity is evident in the way he wrote a total clown with an identity crisis (in a love for me, I'm such a way spot) Johnny was in the room change, perhaps? No, no credit. Brett as The Green Hornet is the ultimate weapon in a pistol green gas cover. Under UV illumination with appropriate and followers mafia big twists in the harmfulness, poofy green cloud Rogen looks like a monster class RLStine Inc.When he was not behind the wheel, as Chou is Kato, Ninja-style angle The frame to frame, poking in the ribs mafia henchmen, eyes and other places and they cry.
Cameron Diaz plays someone with a degree in Criminology, and the film tells us it is a kind of 'research' Brett, so do not mistake her for a moment by a receptionist or a secretary to be! Diaz flashes in and out of the movie and you can not really pan her performance, because there is not much of it here.Anyhow, she is on the sunny side up all his minor role in The Green Hornet, except when it shows its chops.
This movie confuses a human pays a nice tribute to the triumph of machine over man and I'm just not talking about all the technical wizardry that attempts to compensate for the capacity cast.If want to act were horses, the I'd wish for a car, like the Green Hornet's Black Beauty, which is free with Kato the control panel to manage, and can officially known as The Green Hornet's Shield Bum always beat his ass.
If this film shows the signs of a true super hero, Benjamin Chudnofsky 'Bloodnofsky (Christopher Waltz, after his Oscar for' Inglourious Basterds') The center of the Mafia a facelift to the company image makes it almost satanic in His couture red just falling short of red spandex tights. Bloodnofsky may be familiar with his black magic and he knows his black money, the movie has no logical explanation for how badly the Russian finds out that Brett is Hornet.And green when everyone is happy and come to a meeting Affairs, we believe that he Kato to kill him. That's when the bad Kato and Brett said he was delusional, that they were only joking, and to hunt game!
The movie ends eventually.
The Green Hornet is probably Hollywood's idea of a true consciousness. What a shame that the criminal would be on it.
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